44 research outputs found

    21セイキ イリョウカイ ニオケル ダンジョ キョウドウ サンカク シャカイ : ジョセイ イシ ノ タチバ カラ

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    Recently, an increase in the female doctor is remarkable. Moreover, the content of the medical treatment is complicated, too and the demand for the medical treatment manpower increases. The demand of the female doctor for manpower is also large according to it. On the other hand, the achievement of the environment of which bringing up the child being relieved in “Man and woman cooperation participation society” and “Declining population of children society” finishes going out is hoped for. This time, to grasp the current situation of the female doctor in Tokushima, we investigated to the female doctor, the professor of clinical medicine in the University of Tokushima, and the head of the clinic and hospital. Immaturity of the motherhood protection and remaining of the man and woman difference etc. are confirmed. And the examination and the improvement in the future are important. Moreover, it has been understood that the female doctor is an expert group with high satisfaction rating to work and life. 

    Improvement of acid resistance of Zn-doped dentin by newly generated chemical bonds

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    Dental caries, the world's most prevalent infectious disease, is caused by the diffusion of hydroxyl ions into tooth structures. To prevent dental caries, the application of fluoride (F) and zinc (Zn) ions to teeth surfaces are potential effective measures. In this study, The ionic influence, especially the chemical bond of F and Zn, on the acid resistance of dentin were investigated by particle induced X-ray / gamma-ray emission, X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and X-ray absorption spectroscopy. The results showed Zn was distributed in the limited surface layer of dentin without altering its crystal structure. From the Zn K edge extended X-ray absorption fine structure, Zn incorporated into dentin was surrounded by oxygen and demonstrated four-fold coordination. The bond length and chemical state of Zn–O in Zn doped dentin suggested newly generated Zn–O covalent bond, which may improve acid resistance of dentin. This study showed that the atomic and molecular structures, such as the molecular distances and chemical state, influenced acid resistance of teeth, emphasizing the validity of chemical state analysis for understanding properties in biomaterials.Naito K., Kuwahara Y., Yamamoto H., et al. Improvement of acid resistance of Zn-doped dentin by newly generated chemical bonds. Materials and Design, 215, 110412. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matdes.2022.110412

    トクシマシ イシカイ ニオケル ザイタク イリョウ エノ トリクミ

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    Japan is heading toward a super-aging society at a rate unparalleled with other countries. The vast increase in demand for medical treatment and care will exceed existing social resources by 2025 when the baby boom generation becomes older than 75 years. There are concerns that this may lead to the collapse of acute medical care, break out refugee Home Medical Care, and the loss of end-of-life care facilities in various areas. Therefore, Japan is promoting the establishment of a comprehensive community care system designed to allow elderly individuals to live in their own community with dignity for as long as possible. The development of home medical care is being promoted as the core component of this system. The Tokushima City Medical Association has assessed the possible risks associated with this super-aging society that should emerge at a relatively early stage. Furthermore, the development of home medical care for the public to support community medical care is regarded as the best means of tackling future challenges. Therefore, we set up the Home Care Cooperation Committee in 2008 and have worked to develop home care in Tokushima City. The Tokushima City Medical Association participated in the Home Medical Care Cooperation Base Service of commissioned projects by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare as one of 105 institutions in whole country in 2012. Since 2013, we have already been implementing this with Tokushima City administration as a subsidized institution under the three year’s Home Medical Care Cooperation Base Service which was performed by the Tokushima prefecture. This base of operations incorporates the following five mandatory directives : 1. identify solutions to multidisciplinary cooperation issues, 2. develop a multidisciplinary cooperation system and a 24-h response system, 3. raise awareness among residents, 4. educate personnel engaged in home medical care, and 5. set up a consultation service for home medical care. Because of community demands for projects to be implemented in a more area-wise appropriate manner, the Tokushima Home Care Cooperation Committee was newly established following general consensus within the association. This committee was composed of 14members not limited to individuals from medical associations ; individuals from the local government and various professions involved in home medical care were recruited and made decisions regarding operating policies. The current major challenge in Tokushima City is the lack of a means to disseminate proposed solutions for home medical care throughout the entire community. Therefore, we are promoting the establishment of multiple working groups on home medical care to tackle this challenge in the future. In addition, we intend to summarize the various challenges and their solutions that we identified during the course of our operations, draw up guidelines on home medical care based on the agreement of the local government and various professions and disseminate these guidelines throughout the community. We aim to effectively operate and from multiple levels a mutual support system between doctors who have long been working in medical associations, a multidisciplinary, conscientious cooperation system to support patients, a streamlined cooperation system for hospital admission and discharge, and a patient information sharing system utilizing ICT. These systems will be operated in parallel with our base operations. We also aim to promote the future improvement of environments in which as many family doctors as possible can examine their patients at home with ease until their patient’s final breath. This should enable us to provide high-quality home medical care equally and widely throughout the community. We hereby report the home medical care initiatives and future projects of the Tokushima City Medical Association centered on the Home Medical Care Cooperation Based Project

    トクシマケン ニオケル ジドウ セイト ノ タイカク ノ ゲンジョウ

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    The height and weight of all 74,859 students attending to the primary and junior-highschools in the Tokushima prefecture were gathered for the purpose of data collection for thecommittee for prevention of life style related disease. The measurement was performedbetween April and June, 2000 according to the methods recommended by the Japanesegovernment. The histograms of height of each sex and age group showed clear normaldistribution. On the other hands, the histograms of weight and Body Mass Index (BMI)showed the deviation towards the heavier part. We draw histograms of all males and allfemales, and found the existence of two peaks in both of the histograms. We recognizedthat the middle depressed part, which means the less person of that height, indicates thepeak of growth. The most bottoms were 139cm-140cm in female and 152cm-153cm in male

    トクシマシ イシカイ ノ ジョセイ イシ シエン ジギョウ

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    In recent years, an increase in the ratio of female physicians in Tokushima Prefecture, with a particularly notable rise among younger generations that has exceeded the national average, has been observed. However, these physicians continue to face severe working environments, and support measures are required for female physicians during childbirth and in the early stages of parenthood. To this end, the Tokushima City Medical Association has been involved in initiatives to support female physicians since 2008. First, we developed “Net Joy,” a website that provides the information necessary for female physicians to continue their clinical work through a bulletin board system that offers information on topics such as employment and childcare. Furthermore, we have administered questionnaire surveys related to working environments and support systems in clinical training hospitals and compiled a booklet entitled Support Notebook for Female Physicians that is available on the Net Joy website. Since 2011, as post-residency training in ultrasound techniques, we have held six separate practical training seminars at the Tokushima University Hospital Ultrasound Examination Center and the Tokushima City Medical Association Hall. Since 2014, we have been involved in efforts to enhance its training content and develop it into a long-term program

    トクシマケン イシカイ トウニョウビョウ タイサクハン ダイ1ジ ダイ2ジ カツドウ ノ セイカ

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    Objective : The effectiveness of diabetes prevention programs for the general population in Tokushima Prefecture was investigated. The programs were designed by Tokushima Medical Association’ s(TMA’s)Steering Committee for Diabetes Prevention. Research design and methods : The committee promoted diabetes prevention by disseminating educational messages on diabetes to the general public and medical care providers, and establishing a referral system among public health centers and medical institutes throughout Tokushima Prefecture during the period from 2004 to 2009. The outcome of these activities were evaluated by analyzing data from the Prefectural Health and Nutrition Survey in Tokushima conducted in1997(n= 998),2003 (n=1008) and 2010 (n=1130), and then comparing these results with those of the national survey at the corresponding times. Results : The percentage of subjects with glucose intolerance at the time of initiation of the prevention program in Tokushima tended to increase from 1997 to 2003, but was slightly decreased in 2010, although the differences were not statistically significant. However, the percentage of subjects with glucose intolerance was significantly increased throughout Japan during the same period. Obesity parameters, physical activity evaluated by the number of steps and the average total energy intake changed favorably in parallel with changes in the prevalence of diabetes during the study period in Tokushima. Conclusion : The diabetes prevention programs initiated by the TMA’s committee may be useful in ameliorating the situation of diabetes in Tokushima Prefecture

    テレビ ニュース オ チュウシン ト シタ CAI システム ノ カイハツ

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    「テレビニュースを中心とした日本語学習用コースウェアの開発-学習内容の選択と整理-」に続いて、テレビニュースを聞けるようになるための聴解学習用CAIコースウェアを、授業設計の視点に立って開発した。実際のテレビニュースを録画したものを利用し、コースウェアの中で映像として提示した。また、単語や例文、練習問題を音声情報として、CRT画面 上の文字と同時に提示した。テレビニュースの視聴、やさしく直したニュースの聴解、単語の学習と記憶、表現の学習と練習、構文の練習を組み合わせ、数レッスンの学習によってテレビニュースが聞いてわかるようになることをめざした。Based on "Development of Course-ware for Japanese-Language Learning on Television News: Selection and Organization of Learning Items," this study continues to develop a CAI system in this area. Television news broadcasts are presented by video, and vocabulary, example sentences, and exercises are presented on computer display together with audio presentation. The material consists of one shot of a television news broadcast, simplified news recorded by an instructor, vocabulary learning, expression learning, and structure learning. This material is designed to practice listening comprehension of television news through the completion of several lessons

    Should we maintain baby hatches in our society?

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    Abstract Background A baby hatch called the “Stork’s Cradle” has been in place at Jikei Hospital in Kumamoto City, Japan, since May 10, 2007. Babyklappes were first established in Germany in 2000, and there are currently more than 90 locations. Attitudes regarding baby hatches are divided in Japan and neither opinions for nor against baby hatches have thus far been overwhelming. To consider the appropriateness of baby hatches, we present and examine the validity of each major objection to establishing baby hatches. Discussion There are various objections to baby hatches as follows: It violates a child’s right to know the identity of his or her biological parents by allowing anonymous birth; it neglects fulfillment of the biological parents’ basic obligation to raise their child and its very availability induces abandonment of infants; some people abuse it for very selfish reasons; it cannot save babies’ lives; the rights of one parent can be ignored if the other surrenders a child without his or her consent; it puts a baby in medical jeopardy; and it has no clear legal basis. The authors would argue that there are many plausible refutations for each objection mainly based on priority of child’s right to life, pregnant women’s vulnerability and necessity of anonymity, social responsibility to protect and raise children, differences between dropping a child off at a baby hatch and child neglect, limited function of social childcare center, inevitability of abuse by a minority of people, necessary distinction between outcomes that occur only because baby hatches exist and those that occur regardless of their existence, important local direct and upmost measures for women in trouble, and difference between ambiguous legality and illegality. Summary We argue that a certain number of baby hatches should continue to be established as a last resort, in a form that can maintain anonymity if the parent dropping the child off so desires. It should be supported if it is initiated with good intentions; if the maximum possible effort is made at said facility to protect the interests, rights, and safety of the child; and if no clear evidence of harm exists.</p